Digital cityscape.

The government has opened its bidding for its AI Growth Zones, letting local and regional authorities nationwide put themselves forward to become dedicated regions for AI infrastructure development.

The government is to consult on plans to mandate all private landlords in England and Wales to meet higher energy performance ratings in their prop

£90 million of government funding has been allocated to upgrade four major roads schemes in England.

Doctor and patient at a GP surgery.

A £200 million funding package is set to benefit public health services, and is set to boost addiction recovery services, sexual health clinics, and local nurses, among other incentives.

A new online course launched by the College for National Security will help civil servants learn more about national security.

A new survey has revealed that around 200,000 people claiming health and disability benefits are ready for work now if the right job or support wer

The government has announced £8.2 million of funding for a regeneration project in Port Talbot, South Wales.

Official Homelessness Statistics covering the period 1 April to 30 September 2024 have been published.

Electric car being charged.

Birmingham City Council, in partnership with ubitricity, the UK’s largest chargepoint operator, to rollout a pilot of 560 lamppost EV chargepoints across residential areas of the city.

The Welsh government has made available an additional £10 million to help kickstart the development of new affordable housing schemes across

Six new areas have been brought onto the Devolution Priority Programme, with Mayors to be elected by May 2026.

Scotland's chief statistician has published figures of local government finance in 2023-24.


Event Diary

Returning to the NAEC Stoneleigh in Warwickshire from 24-26 June, Road Transport Expo (RTX) is back with its winning ‘All about the truck’ formula.

19-20 November 2025, ExCeL London

elementalLONDON’s debut show is the latest launch from the team behind InstallerSHOW, building on the success of the elemental digital brand, which delivers news, views and solutions on reaching net zero to its audience of built environment professionals.

Education Business LIVE is a carefully designed conference and exhibition bringing together education people with a passion for the promotion and development of effective school leadership, management, learning and teaching.

Supplier Profiles

Frontline Cleaners Express

At Frontline Cleaners Express Ltd, we understand the importance of a pristine, hygienic environme


Gemini Data Loggers, established in 1984, designs and manufactures the Tinytag range of data logg