Virtual wards, also known as Hospital at Home, provide numerous positives and allow patients to be cared for in their own space. But how much of a part will they continue to play in NHS treatment?
Milton Keynes Council is working with partners to trial the use of drones, which could transform the way essential and emergency services are deliv
Seven UK government-funded mobile networks have been switched on in Wales, bringing rural towns and villages faster and more reliable mobile covera
Four tech scale up companies have been announced as the winners of the Unicorn Kingdom Pathfinder Awards (UKPA) - the largest global awards for tec
Nearly 1,200 public sector sites across Greater Manchester are now connected to the GM One Network.
The GOV.UK One Login is making securing and completing an apprenticeship easier for apprentices and their employers.
Buses of Somerset and Somerset Council have begun work to electrify bus depots in Taunton and Minehead, ready to operate 26 brand new electric buse
Essex County Council has launched a new Data Academy to train staff, as part of plans to become a data-led organisation.
New members from business, academia and the charity have been appointed to the board of business, academia and the charity.
The government has set out plans for targeted support for businesses to ensure they can develop and deploy safe, trustworthy AI to kickstart growth
The UK is set to create the world's first real-time surveillance system to monitor the threat of future pandemics.
A generative AI chatbot that is helping small businesses is being put through the next stage of testing.
John Swinney has announced plans to expand the electric vehicle (EV) charging network across Ayrshire and the Glasgow City Region.
GOV.UK Forms is to be rolled out across government, in a bid to make it quicker and easier for the public to fill out forms such as applying for em
Wednesday's budget announcement included £20.4 billion of funding for research and development for the next year.
Leeds City Council has partnered with charge point operator Believ to rollout a series of EV charge points across the district.