Oxfordshire on path for wave of 20mph sites

A 20mph speed limit is set to be introduced in Cuxham, becoming the first of five trial sites, which could pave the way for a countywide road safety programme in Oxfordshire.

Tim Bearder, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways Management, approved the introduction of a 20mph limit in the South Oxfordshire village, following a consultation process in which 82 per cent of residents who responded were in favour of the speed reduction.

The council is currently in the process of consulting on four more 20mph trial sites across the county, in Long Wittenham, Wallingford Central, Wallingford North and Kirtlington. It is believed there is the potential to have around 85 per cent of Oxfordshire’s 30mph roads reduced to 20mph, subject to local opinion and available funding.

The Cuxham trial is due to begin in mid-September. The trial will initially consist of signs only to see if drivers’ behaviour alone will reduce speeds in the areas. If not, then lowcost traffic calming measures, sympathetic to the location, will be experimented with.

Bearder said: “Oxfordshire people want to revolutionise our residential areas and turn them back into safe and attractive places for people to walk and cycle. Residents of five determined and forward-thinking villages have volunteered to be a test bed for a suite of measures based around the introduction of 20mph speed limits. This important and detailed work will help us develop a plan to really deliver the results people are increasingly telling us they want to see.”

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