Councils call for urgent action on £1.3bn SEN deficit

England’s largest councils have called for urgent action in this year’s Spending Review to address a spiralling deficit in special educational needs services.

Lack of social infrastructure damaging for poorer areas

England’s poorest neighbourhoods have by far the biggest shortages of basic social infrastructure, such as parks and sports facilities.

Online tool to prevent children becoming involved in violence

The Youth Endowment Fund has launched a new Toolkit to help local authorities provide support to children at risk of involvement in violence.

Strengthened local government Prudential Code to be published

CIPFA has announced that a strengthened Prudential Code will be published by the end of 2021.

Outstanding council tax debt rises to £4.4 billion

As of 31 March 2021, there was £4.4 billion of historic council tax outstanding in England, an increase of £841 million from 2019-20.

Committee warns of survival threat to festivals and culture

The government should support festivals which face a survival threat without government backed insurance indemnity against the risk of cancellation.

COVID Local Support Grant extended to September

Families will receive extra support with food and key utility bills, thanks to the final extension of the COVID Local Support Grant.

Northern cities and towns facing debt ‘avalanche’

People in many parts of Northern England and the Midlands face an ‘avalanche’ of debt as Covid-support is phased out this summer.

£50m furlough bill on the way, warns Labour

Labour Party analysis has revealed the £50 million bill government ministers are forcing struggling businesses to pay in July.

Cities to lose out in city centre spending due to hybrid working

The CEBR has reported that the coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a total of £11.9 billion of displaced city centre spending.

Let councils sharpen commercial edge to level up locally

Councils should have the confidence to engage in well-run commercial activity that benefits residents and improves local public services.

Ministers knew early years was underfunded

The rates paid to local authorities for the ‘free childcare’ offer are just two-thirds of what the government itself estimated would be needed.

£3.4 million to expand The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

New Department for Education investment will support pupils in deprived schools in England to take part in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

At least 130,000 households made homeless in pandemic

At least 130,000 households in England were made homeless during the first year of the pandemic, despite the government’s ban on evictions.

Social investment pilot to fund 200 homes for rough sleepers

More people at risk of homelessness will be supported into accommodation through a new social investment pilot that will create over 200 move-on homes.


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