Study finds that cuts to local gov funding has cost lives

Decreasing local government funding over recent years probably contributed to declines in life expectancy in some areas of England.

North of Tyne working with EST on housing stock database

North of Tyne Combined Authority has announced that it is working with the Energy Saving Trust to develop a housing stock database.

New role to help end rough sleeping in London

London Councils has appointed Michelle Binfield as Rough Sleeping Programme Director to help end rough sleeping in the capital by 2024.

Sutton Council seeks to reduce fly-tipping in car parks

Sutton Council is deploying sensors to help combat fly-tipping and the rise of unauthorised access in the borough’s car parks.

Half of employers expect more flexible working requests

Half of employers expect an increase in demand for flexible forms of working from employees after the country comes out of the pandemic.

Tax salt and sugar to cut obesity rates, says review

The National Food Strategy has suggested that sugar and salt should be taxed and vegetables prescribed by the NHS.

London’s toxic air is triggering asthma attacks

More than half a million people are now registered with asthma in London and two-thirds of sufferers say their condition is made worse by poor air quality.

Two million children will leave school without ‘catch-up’ support

Labour has warned that nearly two million children will leave school without any catch-up support over the next four years.

Councils forced to halve spending on early help services

Council spending on crucial services that help stop children reaching crisis point has almost halved over the last decade.

One million children in key worker households live in poverty

Over a million children of key workers are currently living in poverty, with key worker families in the North East the hardest hit.

Manchester publishes Places for Everyone plan

Leaders in Greater Manchester have unveiled an ambitious vision for new homes, enhanced natural assets and revitalised town centres.

Local government audit close to ‘breaking point’

The Public Accounts Committee has said that the government’s oversight of local government audit has become ‘increasingly complacent’.


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