Sue Robb of 4Children talks to Julie Laughton and Alison Britton from the Department for Education about the role of childminders in delivering the 30 hours free entitlement.
Town hall leaders have called for government clarification on pupil place expectations on the day that pupils await primary schools offers.
According to a new report by the Howard League for Penal Reform, children’s homes regularly resort to involving police instead of offering teenagers support.
The government’s drive on apprenticeships is ‘failing to deliver for young people’, according to a new report from the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission.
The Local Government Association (LGA) has warned that the government’s plans to drive the number of apprenticeships will cost councils millions of
The Department for Education (DfE) has revealed plans for a new national school funding formula to amend the uneven distribution of funding.
A Local Government Ombudsman investigation has requested that Bolton Council review its school admissions process, following a complaint.
The Local Government Association (LGA) has once again called for greater powers for local councils to ensure that every child has a secondary school place.
The Education and Adoption Bill, allowing quicker intervention when a school is coasting or failing, has been approved by Parliament and is due to be passed to Her Majesty the Queen for royal assent.
Environmental scientists from Plymouth University analysed paint samples from 50 playgrounds and found high levels of toxic metals, posing a risk to the health of young children.
The Department for Business Innovation and Skills has announced a consultation will be held on new measures to commit 2.3 per cent of vacancies in large public sector bodies to apprentices.
The Local Government Association (LGA) has called for councils to ‘remain at the heart’ of school place planning, warning that the legal duty of councils to ensure every child has access to a school place could be made undeliverable otherwise.
Brighton and Hove City Council is considering changing school holiday dates to give lower income families the chance to go on more affordable holidays.
The Education Institute of Scotland (EIS) is calling for Scottish local authorities to be fined for failing to meet targets for teacher numbers.
Councils planning to save money by cutting the length of the primary school week are to be banned from enforcing the cuts.
Parents in the UK are unhappy with local play facilities for children and think more funding should be allocated, according to research from the Association of Play Industries (API).
Sue Robb of 4Children talks to Julie Laughton and Alison Britton from the Department for Education about the role of childminders in delivering the 30 hours free entitlement.
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